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Verb details
for actions that happened in the past
English | Egyptian |
I deteriorated | 'ana talaftaacnaa talaft | أنا َ تـَلـَفت |
We deteriorated | 'ihna talafnaiicHnaa talafnaa | إحنا َ تـَلـَفنا |
You(m) deteriorated | 'inta talaftiicnta talaft | إنت َ تـَلـَفت |
You(f) deteriorated | 'inti talaftiiicnti talafty | إنت ِ تـَلـَفتي |
You(pl) deteriorated | 'intu talaftuiicntoo talaftoo | إنتوا تـَلـَفتوا |
He/it(m) deteriorated | huwa talafhuwa talaf | هـُو َ تـَلـَف |
She/it(f) deteriorated | hiya talafithiya talafit | هـِي َ تـَلـَفـِت |
They deteriorated | humma talafuhumma talafoo | هـُمّ َ تـَلـَفوا |
used with modals (must, should, could, want to...
English | Egyptian |
I might deteriorate | 'ana yimkin 'atlifaacnaa yimkin aactlif | أنا َ يـِمكـِن أتلـِف |
We might deteriorate | 'ihna yimkin nitlifiicHnaa yimkin nitlif | إحنا َ يـِمكـِن نـِتلـِف |
You(m) might deteriorate | 'inta yimkin titlifiicnta yimkin titlif | إنت َ يـِمكـِن تـِتلـِف |
You(f) might deteriorate | 'inti yimkin titlifiiicnti yimkin titlify | إنت ِ يـِمكـِن تـِتلـِفي |
You(pl) might deteriorate | 'intu yimkin titlifuiicntoo yimkin titlifoo | إنتوا يـِمكـِن تـِتلـِفوا |
He/it(m) might deteriorate | huwa yimkin yitlifhuwa yimkin yitlif | هـُو َ يـِمكـِن يـِتلـِف |
She/it(f) might deteriorate | hiya yimkin titlifhiya yimkin titlif | هـِي َ يـِمكـِن تـِتلـِف |
They might deteriorate | humma yimkin yitlifuhumma yimkin yitlifoo | هـُمّ َ يـِمكـِن يـِتلـِفوا |
for actions happening now and habitual actions
English | Egyptian |
I deteriorate | 'ana batlifaacnaa batlif | أنا َ بـَتلـِف |
We deteriorate | 'ihna binitlifiicHnaa binitlif | إحنا َ بـِنـِتلـِف |
You(m) deteriorate | 'inta bititlifiicnta bititlif | إنت َ بـِتـِتلـِف |
You(f) deteriorate | 'inti bititlifiiicnti bititlify | إنت ِ بـِتـِتلـِفي |
You(pl) deteriorate | 'intu bititlifuiicntoo bititlifoo | إنتوا بـِتـِتلـِفوا |
He/it(m) deteriorates | huwa biyitlifhuwa biyitlif | هـُو َ بـِيـِتلـِف |
She/it(f) deteriorates | hiya bititlifhiya bititlif | هـِي َ بـِتـِتلـِف |
They deteriorate | humma biyitlifuhumma biyitlifoo | هـُمّ َ بـِيـِتلـِفوا |
for actions that will happen in the future
English | Egyptian |
I will deteriorate | 'ana hatlifaacnaa hatlif | أنا َ هـَتلـِف |
We will deteriorate | 'ihna hanitlifiicHnaa hanitlif | إحنا َ هـَنـِتلـِف |
You(m) will deteriorate | 'inta hatitlifiicnta hatitlif | إنت َ هـَتـِتلـِف |
You(f) will deteriorate | 'inti hatitlifiiicnti hatitlify | إنت ِ هـَتـِتلـِفي |
You(pl) will deteriorate | 'intu hatitlifuiicntoo hatitlifoo | إنتوا هـَتـِتلـِفوا |
He/it(m) will deteriorate | huwa hayitlifhuwa hayitlif | هـُو َ هـَيـِتلـِف |
She/it(f) will deteriorate | hiya hatitlifhiya hatitlif | هـِي َ هـَتـِتلـِف |
They will deteriorate | humma hayitlifuhumma hayitlifoo | هـُمّ َ هـَيـِتلـِفوا |
Active Participle
for some actions happening now (movement, thinking, sense)
English | Egyptian |
I(m) am deteriorating | 'ana taelifaacnaa taelif | أنا َ تا َلـِف |
I(f) am deteriorating | 'ana taelifaaacnaa taelifaö | أنا َ تا َلـِفـَة |
We are deteriorating | 'ihna taelifeeniicHnaa taelifyn | إحنا َ تا َلـِفين |
You(m) are deteriorating | 'inta taelifiicnta taelif | إنت َ تا َلـِف |
You(f) are deteriorating | 'inti taelifaiicnti taelifaö | إنت ِ تا َلـِفـَة |
You(pl) are deteriorating | 'intu taelifeeniicntoo taelifyn | إنتوا تا َلـِفين |
He/it(m) is deteriorating | huwa taelifhuwa taelif | هـُو َ تا َلـِف |
She/it(f) is deteriorating | hiya taelifahiya taelifaö | هـِي َ تا َلـِفـَة |
They are deteriorating | humma taelifeenhumma taelifyn | هـُمّ َ تا َلـِفين |
Passive Participle
when something has been acted upon
English | Egyptian |
He/it(m) is | huwa matloofhuwa matlwf | هـُو َ مـَتلوف |
She/it(f) is | hiya matloofahiya matlwfaö | هـِي َ مـَتلوفـَة |
They are | humma matloofeenhumma matlwfyn | هـُمّ َ مـَتلوفين |