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for actions that happened in the past
English | Egyptian |
I chattered | 'ana ragheetaacnaa raGyt | أنا َ ر َغيت |
We chattered | 'ihna ragheenaiicHnaa raGynaa | إحنا َ ر َغينا |
You(m) chattered | 'inta ragheetiicnta raGyt | إنت َ ر َغيت |
You(f) chattered | 'inti ragheetiiicnti raGyty | إنت ِ ر َغيتي |
You(pl) chattered | 'intu ragheetuiicntoo raGytoo | إنتوا ر َغيتوا |
He/it(m) chattered | huwa raghahuwa raGY | هـُو َ ر َغى |
She/it(f) chattered | hiya raghyithiya raGyit | هـِي َ ر َغيـِت |
They chattered | humma raghuhumma raGoo | هـُمّ َ ر َغوا |
used with modals (must, should, could, want to...
English | Egyptian |
I might chatter | 'ana yimkin 'arghiaacnaa yimkin aacrGy | أنا َ يـِمكـِن أرغي |
We might chatter | 'ihna yimkin nirghiiicHnaa yimkin nirGy | إحنا َ يـِمكـِن نـِرغي |
You(m) might chatter | 'inta yimkin tirghiiicnta yimkin tirGy | إنت َ يـِمكـِن تـِرغي |
You(f) might chatter | 'inti yimkin tirghiiicnti yimkin tirGy | إنت ِ يـِمكـِن تـِرغي |
You(pl) might chatter | 'intu yimkin tirghuiicntoo yimkin tirGoo | إنتوا يـِمكـِن تـِرغوا |
He/it(m) might chatter | huwa yimkin yirghihuwa yimkin yirGy | هـُو َ يـِمكـِن يـِرغي |
She/it(f) might chatter | hiya yimkin tirghihiya yimkin tirGy | هـِي َ يـِمكـِن تـِرغي |
They might chatter | humma yimkin yirghuhumma yimkin yirGoo | هـُمّ َ يـِمكـِن يـِرغوا |
for actions happening now and habitual actions
English | Egyptian |
I chatter | 'ana barghiaacnaa barGy | أنا َ بـَرغي |
We chatter | 'ihna binirghiiicHnaa binirGy | إحنا َ بـِنـِرغي |
You(m) chatter | 'inta bitirghiiicnta bitirGy | إنت َ بـِتـِرغي |
You(f) chatter | 'inti bitirghiiicnti bitirGy | إنت ِ بـِتـِرغي |
You(pl) chatter | 'intu bitirghuiicntoo bitirGoo | إنتوا بـِتـِرغوا |
He/it(m) chatters | huwa biyirghihuwa biyirGy | هـُو َ بـِيـِرغي |
She/it(f) chatters | hiya bitirghihiya bitirGy | هـِي َ بـِتـِرغي |
They chatter | humma biyirghuhumma biyirGoo | هـُمّ َ بـِيـِرغوا |
for actions that will happen in the future
English | Egyptian |
I will chatter | 'ana harghiaacnaa harGy | أنا َ هـَرغي |
We will chatter | 'ihna hanirghiiicHnaa hanirGy | إحنا َ هـَنـِرغي |
You(m) will chatter | 'inta hatirghiiicnta hatirGy | إنت َ هـَتـِرغي |
You(f) will chatter | 'inti hatirghiiicnti hatirGy | إنت ِ هـَتـِرغي |
You(pl) will chatter | 'intu hatirghuiicntoo hatirGoo | إنتوا هـَتـِرغوا |
He/it(m) will chatter | huwa hayirghihuwa hayirGy | هـُو َ هـَيـِرغي |
She/it(f) will chatter | hiya hatirghihiya hatirGy | هـِي َ هـَتـِرغي |
They will chatter | humma hayirghuhumma hayirGoo | هـُمّ َ هـَيـِرغوا |
telling somebody to do something
English | Egyptian |
You(m) chatter! | 'irghiiicrGy | إرغي |
You(f) chatter! | 'irghiiicrGy | إرغي |
You(pl) chatter! | 'irghuiicrGoo | إرغوا |