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Verb details
for actions that happened in the past
English | Egyptian |
I stood | 'ana 'oomtaacnaa qwmt | أنا َ قومت |
We stood | 'ihna 'oomnaiicHnaa qwmnaa | إحنا َ قومنا |
You(m) stood | 'inta 'oomtiicnta qwmt | إنت َ قومت |
You(f) stood | 'inti 'oomtiiicnti qwmty | إنت ِ قومتي |
You(pl) stood | 'intu 'oomtuiicntoo qwmtoo | إنتوا قومتوا |
He/it(m) stood | huwa 'aemhuwa qaem | هـُو َ قا َم |
She/it(f) stood | hiya 'aemithiya qaemit | هـِي َ قا َمـِت |
They stood | humma 'amuhumma qaemoo | هـُمّ َ قا َموا |
used with modals (must, should, could, want to...
English | Egyptian |
I might stand | 'ana yimkin 'a'oomaacnaa yimkin aacqwm | أنا َ يـِمكـِن أقوم |
We might stand | 'ihna yimkin ni'oomiicHnaa yimkin niqwm | إحنا َ يـِمكـِن نـِقوم |
You(m) might stand | 'inta yimkin ti'oomiicnta yimkin tiqwm | إنت َ يـِمكـِن تـِقوم |
You(f) might stand | 'inti yimkin ti'oomiiicnti yimkin tiqwmy | إنت ِ يـِمكـِن تـِقومي |
You(pl) might stand | 'intu yimkin ti'oomuiicntoo yimkin tiqwmoo | إنتوا يـِمكـِن تـِقوموا |
He/it(m) might stand | huwa yimkin yi'oomhuwa yimkin yiqwm | هـُو َ يـِمكـِن يـِقوم |
She/it(f) might stand | hiya yimkin ti'oomhiya yimkin tiqwm | هـِي َ يـِمكـِن تـِقوم |
They might stand | humma yimkin yi'oomuhumma yimkin yiqwmoo | هـُمّ َ يـِمكـِن يـِقوموا |
for actions happening now and habitual actions
English | Egyptian |
I stand | 'ana ba'oomaacnaa baqwm | أنا َ بـَقوم |
We stand | 'ihna bin'oomiicHnaa binqwm | إحنا َ بـِنقوم |
You(m) stand | 'inta bit'oomiicnta bitqwm | إنت َ بـِتقوم |
You(f) stand | 'inti bit'oomiiicnti bitqwmy | إنت ِ بـِتقومي |
You(pl) stand | 'intu bit'oomuiicntoo bitqwmoo | إنتوا بـِتقوموا |
He/it(m) stands | huwa biyi'oomhuwa biyiqwm | هـُو َ بـِيـِقوم |
She/it(f) stands | hiya bit'oomhiya bitqwm | هـِي َ بـِتقوم |
They stand | humma biyi'oomuhumma biyiqwmoo | هـُمّ َ بـِيـِقوموا |
for actions that will happen in the future
English | Egyptian |
I will stand | 'ana ha'oomaacnaa haqwm | أنا َ هـَقوم |
We will stand | 'ihna han'oomiicHnaa hanqwm | إحنا َ هـَنقوم |
You(m) will stand | 'inta hat'oomiicnta hatqwm | إنت َ هـَتقوم |
You(f) will stand | 'inti hat'oomiiicnti hatqwmy | إنت ِ هـَتقومي |
You(pl) will stand | 'intu hat'oomuiicntoo hatqwmoo | إنتوا هـَتقوموا |
He/it(m) will stand | huwa hayi'oomhuwa hayiqwm | هـُو َ هـَيـِقوم |
She/it(f) will stand | hiya hat'oomhiya hatqwm | هـِي َ هـَتقوم |
They will stand | humma hayi'oomuhumma hayiqwmoo | هـُمّ َ هـَيـِقوموا |
telling somebody to do something
English | Egyptian |
You(m) stand! | 'oomqwm | قوم |
You(f) stand! | 'oomiqwmy | قومي |
You(pl) stand! | 'oomuqwmoo | قوموا |
Active Participle
for some actions happening now (movement, thinking, sense)
English | Egyptian |
I(m) am standing | 'ana 'aeyimaacnaa qaeyim | أنا َ قا َيـِم |
I(f) am standing | 'ana 'aeyimaaacnaa qaeyimaö | أنا َ قا َيـِمـَة |
We are standing | 'ihna 'aeyimeeniicHnaa qaeyimyn | إحنا َ قا َيـِمين |
You(m) are standing | 'inta 'aeyimiicnta qaeyim | إنت َ قا َيـِم |
You(f) are standing | 'inti 'aeyimaiicnti qaeyimaö | إنت ِ قا َيـِمـَة |
You(pl) are standing | 'intu 'aeyimeeniicntoo qaeyimyn | إنتوا قا َيـِمين |
He/it(m) is standing | huwa 'aeyimhuwa qaeyim | هـُو َ قا َيـِم |
She/it(f) is standing | hiya 'aeyimahiya qaeyimaö | هـِي َ قا َيـِمـَة |
They are standing | humma 'aeyimeenhumma qaeyimyn | هـُمّ َ قا َيـِمين |
Passive Participle
when something has been acted upon
English | Egyptian |
He/it(m) is stood | huwa mit'aemhuwa mitqaem | هـُو َ مـِتقا َم |
She/it(f) is stood | hiya mit'aemahiya mitqaemaö | هـِي َ مـِتقا َمـَة |
They are stood | humma mit'ameenhumma mitqaemyn | هـُمّ َ مـِتقا َمين |