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Verb details
for actions that happened in the past
English | Egyptian |
I discussed | 'ana baehithtaacnaa baeHitht | أنا َ با َحـِثت |
We discussed | 'ihna baehithnaiicHnaa baeHithnaa | إحنا َ با َحـِثنا |
You(m) discussed | 'inta baehithtiicnta baeHitht | إنت َ با َحـِثت |
You(f) discussed | 'inti baehithtiiicnti baeHithty | إنت ِ با َحـِثتي |
You(pl) discussed | 'intu baehithtuiicntoo baeHithtoo | إنتوا با َحـِثتوا |
He/it(m) discussed | huwa baehithhuwa baeHith | هـُو َ با َحـِث |
She/it(f) discussed | hiya bahthithiya baeHthit | هـِي َ با َحثـِت |
They discussed | humma baehithuhumma baeHithoo | هـُمّ َ با َحـِثوا |
used with modals (must, should, could, want to...
English | Egyptian |
I might discuss | 'ana yimkin 'abaehithaacnaa yimkin aacbaeHith | أنا َ يـِمكـِن أبا َحـِث |
We might discuss | 'ihna yimkin nibaehithiicHnaa yimkin nibaeHith | إحنا َ يـِمكـِن نـِبا َحـِث |
You(m) might discuss | 'inta yimkin tibaehithiicnta yimkin tibaeHith | إنت َ يـِمكـِن تـِبا َحـِث |
You(f) might discuss | 'inti yimkin tibahthiiicnti yimkin tibaeHthy | إنت ِ يـِمكـِن تـِبا َحثي |
You(pl) might discuss | 'intu yimkin tibahthuiicntoo yimkin tibaeHthoo | إنتوا يـِمكـِن تـِبا َحثوا |
He/it(m) might discuss | huwa yimkin yibaehithhuwa yimkin yibaeHith | هـُو َ يـِمكـِن يـِبا َحـِث |
She/it(f) might discuss | hiya yimkin tibaehithhiya yimkin tibaeHith | هـِي َ يـِمكـِن تـِبا َحـِث |
They might discuss | humma yimkin yibahthuhumma yimkin yibaeHthoo | هـُمّ َ يـِمكـِن يـِبا َحثوا |
for actions happening now and habitual actions
English | Egyptian |
I discuss | 'ana babaehithaacnaa babaeHith | أنا َ بـَبا َحـِث |
We discuss | 'ihna binbaehithiicHnaa binbaeHith | إحنا َ بـِنبا َحـِث |
You(m) discuss | 'inta bitbaehithiicnta bitbaeHith | إنت َ بـِتبا َحـِث |
You(f) discuss | 'inti bitbahthiiicnti bitbaeHthy | إنت ِ بـِتبا َحثي |
You(pl) discuss | 'intu bitbahthuiicntoo bitbaeHthoo | إنتوا بـِتبا َحثوا |
He/it(m) discusss | huwa biyibaehithhuwa biyibaeHith | هـُو َ بـِيـِبا َحـِث |
She/it(f) discusss | hiya bitbaehithhiya bitbaeHith | هـِي َ بـِتبا َحـِث |
They discuss | humma biybahthuhumma biybaeHthoo | هـُمّ َ بـِيبا َحثوا |
for actions that will happen in the future
English | Egyptian |
I will discuss | 'ana habaehithaacnaa habaeHith | أنا َ هـَبا َحـِث |
We will discuss | 'ihna hanbaehithiicHnaa hanbaeHith | إحنا َ هـَنبا َحـِث |
You(m) will discuss | 'inta hatbaehithiicnta hatbaeHith | إنت َ هـَتبا َحـِث |
You(f) will discuss | 'inti hatbahthiiicnti hatbaeHthy | إنت ِ هـَتبا َحثي |
You(pl) will discuss | 'intu hatbahthuiicntoo hatbaeHthoo | إنتوا هـَتبا َحثوا |
He/it(m) will discuss | huwa hayibaehithhuwa hayibaeHith | هـُو َ هـَيـِبا َحـِث |
She/it(f) will discuss | hiya hatbaehithhiya hatbaeHith | هـِي َ هـَتبا َحـِث |
They will discuss | humma hayibahthuhumma hayibaeHthoo | هـُمّ َ هـَيـِبا َحثوا |
telling somebody to do something
English | Egyptian |
You(m) discuss! | baehithbaeHith | با َحـِث |
You(f) discuss! | bahthibaeHthy | با َحثي |
You(pl) discuss! | bahthubaeHthoo | با َحثوا |
Passive Participle
when something has been acted upon
English | Egyptian |
He/it(m) is discussed | huwa mubaehithhuwa mubaeHith | هـُو َ مـُبا َحـِث |
She/it(f) is discussed | hiya mubaehithahiya mubaeHithaö | هـِي َ مـُبا َحـِثـَة |
They are discussed | humma mubaehitheenhumma mubaeHithyn | هـُمّ َ مـُبا َحـِثين |